July 1 food

Breakfast: mixed berry smoothie

Lunch: spinach-salad mix smoothie. a slight variation on the green smoothie. I used both a bag of spinach and the last of my salad mixes from the trip, so 10 oz of greens! I added fresh pineapple (conveniently diced for me by the co-op) in addition to the mango to balance the greens. This is my large-size version of the smoothie, making two 20 oz servings. You can also add a banana and more orange juice if you want it even bigger. Dessert: apple and grapes.

Dinner: I greatly improved my curried mustard greens recipe, and I'd say it's a winner now. This was rich-tasting yet probably not terribly fattening. I got the idea from Elijah on the Furhman forums to add banana to the curry sauce. It was so good I ate the whole thing and nothing else. And it only took a half an hour to make from opening the refrigerator door to sitting down to eat. I think that is probably longer than any meal I've posted so far, but it's still not bad.

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