June 30 food

Is this getting boring yet?

Breakfast: blueberry smoothie

Lunch: large piece of watermelon; half a cantaloupe, sugar snap peas. The peas were so good raw, I didn't bother to steam them.

snack: box of strawberries, apple

Dinner: steamed asparagus with garden herbs (chives, dill, cilantro, but mostly chives), squeeze of lime, little date sugar, cayenne pepper (not necessary). A little container of salad from the co-op: tempeh+soy sauce, sweet potatoes, kale marinated in vinegar. It had no oil in it so I was curious to try it. It was okay but not great. I wouldn't get it again, preferring fresh veggies.

I should note that my eating habits are seasonal and in the summer I am in the mood for fruits and veggies and quick meals (of fruits and veggies).

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