Corn Chowder


3 potatoes
1 sweet potato
1 onion
1 bunch kale or other greens
1 can sweet peas
1 can corn
couple of carrots (optional)
some dried fruit (I used cherries and goji berries)
favorite spices if desired (I added some basil and thyme--1/2-1 tsp a piece).
cinnamon (1 tsp?)
nutmeg (1/2 tsp?)
1 quart soy milk or less

You don't need a full quart of soy milk but I was camping and didn't have any plans for the rest of it--you could use 2 cups, especially if you want less calories (I wanted more).  When you don't eat salt, the dried fruit adds a nice sweetness to replace it, so I recommend it.  Also, I don't find the normal spices are as exciting without salt and oil.  But the cinnamon and nutmeg are nice.  

Here's how I made this while camping:  chop the onion first and start cooking it in water, since it takes longest to soften.  Chop the next longest item to cook--carrots or kale, and add them.   Then the potato, then the sweet potato.  Add enough water to steam cook all this stuff, maybe 2 cups?  You don't want too much water if you are going to add a quart of soy milk.  Add the spices and dried berries.   Once the vegetables are soft, add the soy milk but don't let it boil or it will curdle.  Mine curdled, but it was still good.  

We ate this for a few days and I really liked it.  I still had some leftover after the camping was done and ate it in a diner while travel-mate had a burger and fries.  I thought my meal was better than anything on the menu.  I left a nice tip.

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