What's In A Name?

You may not recognize him by his official name, but here it is:
William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor Schleswig-Hostein-Sonderborg-Glucksburg-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Seriously, that's his legal name. You probably better know him as Prince William.

This actually is more of a national history than a personal name. His "last" name (the last 7 names in the list) identifies his family heritage as if you added the maiden names of all your previous grandmothers to your own name (hyphenating them all, of course). For us Americans, it would be a hodge-podge of nationalities as it is with Prince William (English, German, Dane, Russian, Greek, and Rumanian). The only difference is that each marriage in his ancestry was closer to a National Treaty with another country, as opposed to the run-of-the-mill kind of marriages that happen in our families.

Either way, imagine the conversation as a 5 year old trying to learn his name? So what name is on his driver's license? Imagine filling in those circles for nationalized tests? I guess a lot can be in a name.

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