What is Christian?

I have been thinking about a question and decided if I posted about it, some readers might have some thoughts to share that bring clarity. Here's the question:
What do you do in your life that you would not/could not do if you were not a Christian?
Is there something that distinguishes us from others who are generous, kind, compassionate, humanitarian, etc., and are not Christians? Are there things we participate in/avoid that others who attend support groups, civic clubs, or other health conscious groups would or would not do solely because we call ourselves Christians?

I came across an article that talks about Phil 4:8,9 "Whatever is true... honorable... just... pure... pleasing... commendable... excellent... consider these things." The author of the article references a commentator, Mark Bockmuehl, who "recalls how scholars have noticed that [this verse] could well have been written by any Stoic exhorting people to live a moral life. These are terms...widely used within Hellenistic circles." Bockmuehl further highlights the compatibility of both Christian and classical virtures by paraphrasing GK Chesterton who felt "Paul was urging the Philippians 'to adopt and mature in all those qualities which are intrinsically good and benefit others.'"

I don't have a theological objection to this point. My inquesition is further compounded by it. Is it that we do everything that is good, whether Greek, or American, or [fill in the blank] that is "intrinsically good and benefits others"? But the distinction is we do it to exalt Christ, as opposed to others who may do these same things exclusively for some other selfish or altruistic reason? Is our distinction as Christians only our motive and our "end"? If it exalts Christ (the true end/result of all Christian action) than do it? Whatever it is?

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