june 3

My eating was a bit more random today.  I was going to make another salad for brekky and then I realized, I wasn't hungry--last night's meal was late.  So I ate a banana and carrot and headed off for grocery shopping.  

Then I started cooking a meal to take over to a member of my church and his family.  That was fun.  I made black-eyed pea stew, fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, banana), and the same salad I made last night without the edamame.   Since they requested healthy meals, I didn't have to worry as much about accommodating SAD (Standard American Diet) preferences (i.e., salt and oil).

While I was making their meal, I made similar things for us.  I didn't have anymore black-eyed peas so just made a lentil stew, sort of like this one:  carrot and celery juice, onion, 1 cup french (green) lentils, 1/2 cup wild/brown rice mix.  Then at the end added cilantro and lemon juice--that changed the flavor a lot and it was quite good.  It was good before adding it too, but I think I liked the extra bite.  Also added some more fresh herbs from the garden.    I made us the same salad to save for dinner.  I snacked on cherries and grapes from the store while cooking.  So just had a small bowl of the lentils for lunch.  

Then we had one avocado left so for a treat I made sweet pea/avocado guacomole.  This just had an avocado, cilantro, lime juice and about 1/2 cup peas.  I didn't feel like getting the food processor all dirty so I ground the peas in the coffee grinder.  worked like a charm!   then just smashed it all together with a fork.   This is pretty sweet with the peas.  I added some garlic chives too.  I didn't feel like adding garlic or onion because those tend to overpower the other flavors.  I had some with a carrot and let housemate have the rest since she didn't spend all day in the kitchen eating like I did.

Then dinner was salad and more lentils and some more cherries and grapes.    I probably ate too much today.  Being in the kitchen for several hours does cause me to eat more.  which reminds me, I forgot to make orange juice for house mate.  better go do that.  so I might end up eating an orange when I do that.  yep, I ate an orange.

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