Still in Pasadena on business travel.
Lunch: Dr. Fuhrman's Moroccan chickpea soup. peach, nectarine, grapes, cherries, and raw almonds. the fruit and nuts were the best part, all ripe and delicious. I was out with colleagues again for lunch and we went to a deli so it was no problem for me to have my own food. My colleagues ate really fast and I didn't even finish my soup before they were finished. So I just nibbled on the fruit while we talked business. But I felt rushed and didn't enjoy it. I also ate too many nuts because I wasn't very hungry for dinner. I'll try to moderate more tomorrow.
Dinner: same as breakfast. This is just too too good. plus a peach and nectarine. okay, I'm eating too much fruit. But it's fresh and local and ripe and delicious and I'm going to enjoy it for just 2 more days.
Note #1: I decided I like the VitaBeanaVegaMin soup best despite not liking the name (sounds clinical though I'm sure it's meant to be cute).
Note #2: A friend of mine said to me "Where did you get your tan? You look so golden and radiant!" Ha. too funny. I think I've only worn a short sleeve shirt outside once since last summer (we've had a cool spring in Wisconsin). Doctors used to test me for anemia because I was so pale. But it's true, my skin has much more color in it than before. It's not a tan. It must be beta carotene or something, from all the green vegetables. and I do eat a lot of raw carrots too.