june 2

another day of delicious fresh local food.  ah, summer.

Brekky was a repeat of yesterday.  salad made from greens, spinach and arugula topped with berry-sesame dressing.  This was a very big bowl so it would last me through until lunch.  also had half a cantaloupe.  

Lunch, repeat of last night's dinner:  asparagus topped with lemon and ground sunflower seeds.  (an entire bunch).  plus the usual carrot, celery, 1/2 cup frozen peas.  

pre-dinner.  was gone from 4-9 pm so had food before and after.  before just nibbled while making the dinner salad (thought I might eat it while out):  carrot, celery, orange, frozen peas, spinach, banana.  got plenty full on all that.

late dinner:  salad.  this was really good:  greens, spinach and arugula topped with chopped red bell pepper, sliced mango, 1 whole avocado (decadent!), 1/2 cup edamame, 1 Tbsp D'angou pear vinegar.   really really good!

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