housemate's smoothie

Edited Aug. 29, 2009, still tweaking.

Since housemate was told she has a little bit of macular degeneration in her eyes, she is willing to let me put spinach in her smoothie as long as she doesn't taste it and it doesn't have a green color--the solution to the latter is that I put foil over the top so she doesn't see it (see picture below). I also want it to be sweet and appetizing.

Ingredients for 4 18 oz (I think--large glass) servings:
2 Tbsp hemp seeds
2 Tbsp sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup raw walnuts or cashews
2 Tbsp date sugar (optional)
16 oz fresh squeezed orange juice
1-2 bananas, fresh or frozen (peel before freezing, break up and put into individual bags)
2-3 bags frozen berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, or mixed berries)
4-8 oz fresh spinach
water as needed

Put the nuts, seeds, date sugar, vitamins, DHA, and some of the orange juice (8 oz to start) in the blender. Add the spinach on top. Start blending, letting the bottom stuff blend first. Then smash down the spinach with the plunger and let it all blend together. Then add the berries and bananas and rest of liquid and blend until smooth. This 4 ~16-oz servings. Freeze the ones you don't drink. Take out one each night and put in fridge. It thaws overnight. Here they are ready to put in the freezer:

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