Huck Finn.....revised

Apparently the Mark Twain book, "Huckleberry Finn" is going to remove all references to Nigger Jim, and where it can change the word "nigger" to "slave."

Ugh - I just cited CNN.

Go wash your eyes.  I'll wash my monitor.

Anyways, I'm sorry y'all, this is too 1984 for me.  The infantile supposition that the removal of a word changes history.....what are we going to do with Black History Month?  Keep getting rid of things like that and there won't be anything to remember! We'll fix history so they were always treated equally!

I've told y'all before, I don't find the word nigger outrageously offensive - but - it's not the best word I can think of to use - and I know there's a lot of immature people in this world who can't handle the word - and I don't think it is in my interests to go using it when there's a lot better things I can be talking about.   But now, censoring a book?  A piece of history over a word......Okay - it's because I'm whitey, right?  Go back far enough and there was a time my family members were slaves to the Egyptians building their tall pointy piles of rock under the lash of a whip.  I think I'm okay though....wait for it.....yes.  I'm fine.  History sucks.  But level heads are needed in these precarious times.  History is important.  But when one can't even deal with the reality of does one expect to deal with the reality of today?  You can't always just wave a wand and change it or censor it to fit your whims and inabilities.

I do have one question though in the upcoming black history month....where are the celebrations honoring the white people who also helped make the black civil rights movement in America possible?  My friend, Arlin, took a stand on a few occasions back in his day when not serving blacks in restaurants was accepted - oh and Arlin's white. (I was born right at the tail end of that era - though I went to school in ALL WHITE (whiter than white) Oregon City, Oregon - (we had five Vietnamese boat kids, and one black girl who was adopted - everyone else....white - race wasn't an issue to us - never thought anything of it - I learned racism when I joined the military and the blacks didn't want me with them listening to "their music" and I began to get introduced to the world.  But those who weren't "like that" - we risked our lives together to serve and - we were Americans together.)

Racism is just a shame.  Don't think we should overly focus on history, but you can't change the past! You can re-interpret it but you can't change it!  So - wonder what this will bring.  I think I'm going to go buy a copy before you can't anymore just so I can give my kids the straight scoop on a piece of Americana. 

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