Dr. Martin Luther King.......irrelevant anymore? Forgotten?

As MLK day approaches in the U.S. I have a couple thoughts.

I appreciate what Dr. King inspired.  His speech was absolutely amazing.  Listen to it. And then ask yourself - with all these race and minority and specialty groups hounding the way they do about equality while claiming special priveleges - did those groups realize Dr. Kings dream while screaming blasphemy if anyone doesn't really embrace MLK day?

I like what Rush suggested once - get rid of Black History Month and rename it Black Progress Month - so instead of focusing on bussing and segregation - we focus on the achievements of individuals such as Dr. George Washington Carver (THAT GUY WAS SMART!!!)

I have friends who are actually FROM Africa - I've translated for African refugees from Togo (They had a pretty intense war some years back and I speak french/english so I could translate for their famlies) - and others who are from America like me.  They are some amazing friends.  My friend Pat, U.S. marine - he's black - and he's scottish! Wears a kilt and can play the bagpipes - and a HARD CORE conservative like me - Miriam - from New Jersey - who doesn't tolerate the stupidity of racism - Ali - who's father is from Kenya I believe and Ali converted from Islam to the LDS faith and his wife who's wife is Scottish - have two BEAUTIFUL girls who my children just adore - and Justice, he's from South Africa.......noble and amazing people.

But it really angers me when these groups purport to speak for them - it really almost is as if those groups are so convinced of their own inferiority that they feel the only thing they have to stand on is the injustices of the past and to remind people of hate that once existed.  Those days - not entirely gone - but they aren't the norm anymore.  But really it seems to me that people like Reverend Wright and Jackson and Al Sharpton really don't have an idea of their own and can only capitalize on hate.

Is there hate?  Yes.  Is it true?  Yes.  Is it THE truth of the world?  No it's not.  I heard a former PLO terrorist converted to Christianity recently say on the radio say "America is the country where racism is discussed the most but it happens the least here."  AMEN.  That's the America I know.  One thing about America - we always ultimately do the right thing after failing at every other attempt (Winston Churchill said that).  I just think.....the civil rights leaders of today are holding us, holding THEM back and its time to move forward.

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