Florida salad

I'm visiting the Florida Everglades. There's a great produce/fruit stand near my hotel, called "Robert is Here." They have locally grown vegetables and fruit. So that is supplying me with my meals. Here's today's salads (lunch and dinner):

The bottom layer is romaine lettuce, locally grown spinach, green beans, zucchini, and broccoli. Yum! Then I quartered a couple of fresh tree-ripened oranges, and squeezed the juice on here to marinate the salad and veggies. I age the rest of the oranges after squeezing (it was breakfast time).

Next I added some beans and my ground seed mixture (sunflower, hemp, chia, flax). I ate some beans and seeds too to add to my breakfast.

Then I added the fruit: ripe banana, mango and local strawberries. yummy yummy. I forgot to take a picture of the final product.

Here I am eating lunch.

I also had a locally grown ugli fruit before dinner. It was really good. And it is extremely ugly. Don't let that deter you.

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