Nov. 17

I was out most of the day today, so brought brunch with me, and then ate an early dinner at home which was too rushed. It's hard to eat a salad fast.

Brunch was beans over steamed greens & leek with ground flax and hemp seeds, and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top (1 Tbsp each). This batch of beans is really good. I had a little leftover orange juice yesterday so threw that in the beans and it added a nice flavor! I steamed the veggies real quick in the pressure cooker this morning before leaving. Then heated it all up in the microwave later on. Let's see, I also had my daily pomegranate (sooo goood, and it takes about 30 minutes to eat it), and some carrots and kohlrabi. These 3 kohlrabis I got from the co-op are the best I've ever tasted, sweeter than the ones from my garden. Oh, I also had a little glass of blended blueberries/orange that I made last night and wasn't hungry for. I really wasn't hungry for it now either but I ate it.

Dinner was a salad, and an apple. Oh, in the salad I ate pineapple instead of apple because I stopped at the co-op and bought some fresh pineapple. That's hard for me to resist. And I had a carrot. I didn't like feeling rushed while eating. I think I overate a bit. I didn't need the apple after the salad.

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