Nov. 1 food

I want to be a black-belt nutritarian, which for me means, no overeating, not too much anyway. Let's see how many days I can string together. To help me in my quest, I'm trying to eat only at the dining room table; and not eat (too much) while preparing food. I also think I have to log my food intake again. So here's today.

no brekky, was out all morning.

lunch: a carrot and apple. Then I made three meals for next week. First I made some vegan spinach paneer from Susan's cooking blog. I used twice as much cashews and replaced the soy milk with water (same effect), but otherwise followed the recipe pretty closely. It was too spicy for me and I felt it needed something more so I added some raisins--I should have blended them with the cashew milk. I think it will taste better next time when the raisin flavor blends some. I find that most recipes that rely on oil and salt for flavor need something extra when you take those out, so hopefully the raisins will do the trick. It has a nice texture though. I just had a small bowl to taste it mainly. Then froze the rest into two servings. After making mushroom stroganoff, I had a bowl of that on arugula. It was good. My arugula is a bit old and it smells like alcohol. yuck. I may have to throw it out, something I almost never have to do anymore.

dinner: black bean soup on arugula. I snacked a bit while preparing on carrots and pineapple, but was pretty good overall. dessert was an apple.

Overall, I didn't overeat today. It's hard not to snack while cooking. I didn't overdo it. Okay, time to head out to a great talk. so long....

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