mushroom-bean stroganoff

I varied the Fuhrman recipe so much I decided to post it here.

1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 lb shitake mushrooms (without stems?) chopped
juice of 1 lemon
1 Tbsp tarragon
1 Tbsp paprika, sweet
1 cup carrot/beet/celery juice (whatever combo you like)
2 cups beans (I used mayacoba heirloom beans but any white, red, or pinto would be good. I bet adzuki would be good. Lentils too.)
3 Tbsp sesame seeds
1/4 cup raw cashews
1 Tbsp fresh dill, minced, or 1 tsp dried

1. Water saute the onions and garlic until soft.
2. Add the mushrooms and continue stirring and sauteeing
3. Add the lemon juice, tarragon, dill (if dried) and paprika, and mix well.
4. Add some veggie juice as needed
5. Blend the cashews and sesame seeds in some of the veggie juice and/or bean juice
6. Add the nut/seed cream, rest of the veggie juice, and dill (if fresh); cook until it thickens, usually less than 5 minutes.

Spoon over any vegetable, e.g.: potatoes, brussels sprouts, arugula, whatever's in the fridge.

It's good and has a really nice creamy texture, due to the cashew cream.

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