sweet pea salad dressing

Ingredients for 1 large serving (full meal) or two small:
1 cup frozen sweet peas
0.5-1 oz raw pecans and/or seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flax, hemp)
1 Tbsp D'Angou Pear vinegar or other favorite flavored vinegar
juice of 1 small lime or 1/2 large (or 1 whole one, if you like them)
2 oranges, peeled, remove seeds, or 2/3 cup orange juice

Thaw the peas a bit in the microwave (30 sec) if you want. Blend everything in a blender. This is really easy to make and I think it tastes great. I eat the whole recipe if the salad is the main course. Use as few or many nuts as your diet allows (e.g., 1/2 oz if trying to lose weight).

Dec. 2, 2009: I used fresh pomegranate juice instead of orange juice, and more seeds (flax and hemp) and fewer pecans. It was great.
Dec. 3, 2009: I added a small mango and small pear in place of the juice (but added 2 oz of orange juice to thin it out). yummy!
Dec. 17, 2009: I used half an avocado instead of the nuts & seeds. and mandarin oranges instead of juice. here's a picture of this super easy variation before blending (peas, oranges avocado and a little flavored vinegar):

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