Pretty Good Hummus

I'm still working on my hummus recipe but this is better than last time.
You need a food processor for this

1 cup dried chickpeas of 15 oz can of no-salt chickpeas.
1-2 garlic cloves
1 tsp ground cumin
Juice on 1 lemon
1/2 avocado
Couple of fresh basil leaves, chives if you happen to have them in our garden and it's summer (optional)
1/2 peeled, diced sweet potato, steamed until soft (optional)

If you are using dried chickpeas (they taste better), soak overnight, then cook up in the morning for about 4 hours. Drain, but save some of the cooking water.

Throw the garlic in the food processor and blend it. Add the chickpeas, avocado, sweet potato, cumin, and half the lemon juice. Blend. Taste it, and add more lemon juice to taste. Add chickpea water if you need more liquid. Blend some more. When it's nice and smooth, then add the herbs and blend for short time, just enough to chop the herbs but not pummel them.

A normal hummus recipe has 1-2 Tbsp tahini plus olive oil, instead of avocado, and no sweet potato. I'm not a big fan of tahini and think oil is evil, but want the creamy consistency, so tried the avocado instead. Of course, it adds (healthy) fat, so if you are watching your calories, don't add the avocado, or add less. If you don't care about the calories and want it real creamy, throw the whole avocado in (without the pit and the skin of course).

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