June 17th food

Okay, quickly before bed, let's get started with today's successes and failures. I knew I was going to be gone most of the day so brought food with me. Went to my 7:30 am exercise class. We ran up and down stairs for 25 minutes. Like I said in my last post, I notice I don't get out of breath as much as others. My muscles tire before I lose my breath. It used to be very much the opposite and I would get out of breath before my muscles tired. I think this is because my arteries have cleared up after being vegan for almost 3 years. After that, did some work in a coffee shop before my dentist appointment, and drank my breakfast smoothie. Had some decaff coffee. I went off caffeine a year and a half ago. Believe it or not, that feels great. Okay, I get tired sometimes when I don't sleep enough, but overall I have more energy. Plus I think caffeine is part of our societal brain washing to make us work harder so the rich guy at the top can make more money. Today I decided, maybe I should give up decaff coffee too. I don't drink it much, but may as well give it up if I'm going to try this healthy experiment, and it won't be painful since I'm not addicted to caffeine. Okay, then I met a friend for lunch at the Union terrace (favorite hangout in Madison WI). She was going to get a burrito at Chipotle's. It's okay to stray from perfection every once in a while but I just had a burrito yesterday at a potluck so I wanted to eat more healthy so I brought a green smoothie I had in the freezer. I like these green smoothies as much as any fattening dairy dessert (I'm a whacko). When I came home in the evening, I chatted with my neighbors who happen to be vegan and they offered me a tofutti cutie. It's a vegan ice cream sandwich. It is so good. I ate one. So I have failed on my first day! I haven't had one of those in a year or two. Well, at least they are small, half the size of the familiar ice cream sandwich. But they are junk food. But it was good. Then I came home and finally made a hummus I like. I've just not been satisfied with the hummus recipes without olive oil. It's not creamy enough. This time I added avocado and a little steamed sweet potato to the normal recipe and I like it. I also took out the tahini. I am not a big fan of tahini. I had that with lightly steamed carrots and broccoli. It was delicious. but I ate too much of the delicious hummus and felt like exploding. Then to top it off, since I figured I'd blown it already I decided to finish it off with a brazil nut stuffed date. This is a great treat. You remove the pit from the date and stick in a nut, like a pecan or brazil nut or walnut. Microwave it for 5-10 seconds. It's good! Well, this blog would sound better if I left out my mistakes but I decided I should be honest and tell you my failures too. The stuff date would have been okay without the tofutti cutie.

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