June 22 food

At some point I'll stop blogging each day's food. But I want to show examples of how you can eat healthy in a variety of situations, for example, in social settings, or when the refrigerator is getting empty. Today is a bit of a mixture of those. Tomorrow I'll be eating whatever is left in the refrigerator as we empty it out before a trip.

Breakfast: banana strawberry smoothie

Lunch: Spinach smoothie and a few fresh vegetables from the lunch line: carrot, apple slices, tomatoes. I was at a luncheon after church. The smoothie is delicious and filling so I don't care how little of the other food I get. It's also easier to bring a smoothie to the table than my own prepared lunch, since it just looks like a drink. I had some leftover beans when I got home. I'm trying to finish them off even though I am ready for a break from beans.

Dessert: walnut stuff in a date, microwaved for 10 seconds.

Snack: grapes, carrot

Dinner: Big salad made from leftovers from yesterday: iceberg lettuce (contrary to popular opinion, this is reasonably nutritious), salad greens, mushrooms, tomato, mango, 1/2 avocado. Added some cilantro and chives from the garden. This was so tasty it didn't need any dressing. I find that if I add fruit or berries to a salad I don't really want dressing. Or other times I am in the mood for my favorite orange-cashew dressing so I don't add fruit to the salad.

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