The 11th Commandment

Listening to Dennis Prager tonight, he suggested discussing this question with friends: If you could add an 11th Commandment to God's 10, what would it be and why? He informed his audience that he has asked his audiences this question over the years and the most common answer was something along the form of: "Thou shall respect/love your children." Needless to say, if you are a frequent listener, he found this a silly answer.

So I pose this "unquestion" to you. This is actually a very difficult question when considering the other 10, as if a Perfect God would leave anything uncovered in His own list. Additionally, when I think of all the other commands throughout the Bible -- like Love your neighbor as your self, Do not let the sun go down on your wrath, If someone asks for your coat give him your shirt as well, etc. -- I wonder if there are any of these that I would raise to the level of "the 10".

Topics that come to mind immediately are suffering, freedom, discipline, solitude, etc. To put something in a command form, whether positive (you shall do...) or negative (you shall not do...) is very hard. But if I had to give an answer without too much deliberation, I would propose:

"You shall be grateful."

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