$5/Gallon Gas - and what to do about it....(HHO!)

Well.....here's the article on the issue:


Here's the guy responsible:

And here's a link to what you can do about it: 

I tinker around with hydrogen in my van - yes - it does work.   I've had it in my vehicle for a long time. 

I can tell you:
1) It's a great stress relief to go play with it and tinker on my van with it
2) I did build my own kit before I bought one off e-bay. 
3) My vehicle does run smoother with it in there
4) My exhaust is nearly breathable - it smells like oily shower/bathroom steam with the system in
5) My van does get better mileage - I've recorded 27mpg for a 3.0 liter engine on my 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan with my wife's power wheelchair in it and weighing 2.5 tons on the freeways. 
6) Hdrogen is about as dangerous as gasoline
7) It's nice knowing i'm not just at someone else's whim on gas - I *can* (and do!) something about it. 
8) You can build your own - or make your own generator.  I know now a better way to make a generator than the do-it-yourself plans they sell in here - these kits they sell are spendy - but it gives you an idea.  I bought my two-cell kit off ebay for $35.00.   It works very well!

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