snitch! Rat out your neighbor!

Um, so this DHS video on youtube (with article included) shows about every single terrorist as white, and every single reporter as non-white, while urging people not to regard race as an indicator of terrorist intent. I liked the Mexican working in the nuclear medicine department who saw a white terrorist.

The if you watch someone, snitch on anything campaign is really designed to turn us into a subversive fear driven soviet state.  We really don't have that much crime in the US.  Given there are 400,000,000+ people and we have more freedom than anywhere in the world in so many much crime is there really?  Let alone that we don't report?  How many guns?  How many didn't get used in a shooting to commit a crime since they were built?

I've got something we could snitch on:  millions of illegal mexicans in our country.   Yet we do that and we're told we're racist or uncompassionate. I got a hundred of them in my apartment complex.....

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