Oh so you CAN say it.......

A man who was calling for the assassination of Obama has been upheld by the 9th circus court as constitutionally protected free speech.

I don't agree with assassinations, they undermine democracy, but my feelings are pretty passionate on the Bamster.

This president's been so babied on account of his race. Even he can't even handle being black nor can the media (Don't mention he's black) that I thought free speech was dead in this country - never mind a friggin movie was made about the assassination of George Bush.

Come ON people!  You kno this! You can't call for the death of colored people, even if its for a good reason, but its okay to call for the death of white people by colored people because the colored activists want to be equal and have the same rights....wait...what?.

The only good thing I see coming out of this man's presidency is the race card is about dead in this country and people know it on both sides of the issue.

Me?  I just hope he gets food poisoning from guacamole or something and spends the rest of his presidency crapping on the toilet so he can't even campaign to do any damage......

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