Ya gotta wonder why.....


Why would a Chinese General come out and announce that it doesn't have the power to challenge the US?   The General talked about how they were trying to support their 1.3 billion people and that they don't have the money to spend on weapons like we do.......When China's press is controlled as tightly or tighter than the Soviet Empire was, something's up.  My first guess is to portray any military superiority we have as unnecessary and that we should vote for Obama again.....some thing is up.  Especially given that not too long ago the Chinese began blue-water ops with their submarines even coming up and near our carrier battle groups and a while before that with the Sukhoi 27 taking out one of our E-2's and the Chinese loading all  the data from our naval computers and then Bill Clinton giving them the codes to our nuclear weapons........something's up.  They are telling us something....something's going on....gonna watch this one.  


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