I'm not sure exactly how you prevent this other than 1) Pay attention 2) Watch vehicles around you and even behind you including the number of occupants and drivers 3) get license plates before you get out of your vehicle 4) Carry concealed and be ready to use it 5) Only stop in a well lit area where there can be witnesses to check for damage. Cuz, if someone hits you and you don't stop but can get a license plate and call the police....you're going to get the issues solved!
After my run-in with the Yakuza (and surviving....NO....actually it was more like turning the tables and scaring the piss out of them in a 1 on 5 (my one to their five) smackdown in the middle of a busy city where everyone gathered to watch the unarmed white-guy go down)anyone gets too close to my vehicle, Marianne gets a round chambered and we're ready to have it out in the middle of the street.
Some tips on this drawn from my time in law enforcement: always remember, your car can be a weapon or a defensive tool as well. You can block things with it - or the obvious - run over things with it as well (police training 101) Just for fun, here's a maneuver you can try on your own called a J turn.
Perhaps the most important thing you can do to keep yourself safe it *WATCH* *YOUR* *FOLLOWING* *DISTANCE*
I recommend four to five seconds of following distance professionally. This has several advantages. The first, in the above scenarios is that it gives you someplace else to go and a bit of maneuvering room and can buy you a bit of time which may be all you need to turn the tables. Someone tailing you in preparation for a bump? If you have four to five seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you It's very clear and very obvious its not an accident. You can see it coming from a mile off (literally) because it will be obvious that there is no reason for someone to be tailing you that close.
Driving slower than the speed limit allows people to go faster than you and keeps you from being boxed in. Lastly, if someone is setting up on you, is "riding your bumper" and you have a sweet following distance between you and everyone in front of you, you have room to accelerate and try to leave them behind, giving you more time to further ascertain intentions, call the police and make an account of what's happening without having to find out with a gun in your face while you're on foot.

Of course me, I'm fortunate I have professional training and experience, but just the above that I've listed will make a huge difference and drastically reduce the risks to you. Much better than the other tripe I read from a university website about how to avoid being carjacked. The guidelines were enough to CAUSE paranoid personality disorder (in my opinion). Can't drive on the outside lane near pedestrians? WTH? Like, on the outside lane gives you somewhere else to go like up on the curb for a getaway if you need it. I'm not even going to reference the page here.
Finally, a four to five second following distance saves gas because you don't have to brake as often. It reduces stress driving and just makes driving easier all around.