may remember that I had a really nice Beta I bought a while back ("M") along with a bunch of other fish. Thanks to my daughter dumping the entire contents of a batch of fishfood into the tank exactly like I told her she's not allowed to feed them or to touch the food (why didn't you put it out of her reach? Yah....good luck kid-proofing your house 24/7/365....if you got kids you know this....if you got kids and still think that, I feel sorry for your kids and wonder what kind of a hyperactive micromanaging control freak you must be and bet your kids can't even play on the playground without a full helmet and hypoallergenic bubble - NO OFFENSE!), I got to buy an entirely new tank of fish all at once.
SO! A couple of the fish I bought - are ILLEGAL in the state of California. Those ones are called Glofish. They are genetically modified and glow under a black light or glow on their own, I haven't been able to determine it yet because I don't have a blacklight hooked up.
Glofish....not mine, someone else's. |
Illegals - also known as "Wet-Backs" |
On a political note, I find it interesting that California declares little tiny 3 inch long fishes to be dangerous and not allowed in the state but will allow some 300 pound spanish speaking wetbacks into the state by millions illegally and even allows them to dump waste in our sewer system and eat food next to our children, run like rug-rats all over the emergency room, steal samples at the grocer store like a bunch of uncultured little thieves who look at you with that "you can't do anything to me because I pretend I don't speak english" look and even let them sit next to our children in public school systems and hijack the educational ecosystem by totally fouling the language and culture of the learning environment, thereby retarding the progress of respectable, legal, law abiding American Citizens' children.
But that's another blog entry for another day.
Anyways, I got two African Cichlids (Pronounced of those times when the letter "S" just won't do for the "S" sound) a blue and a yellow. They tend to be very aggresive which I'm fine with, not like they can bother me any in my kitchen while I'm doing woodwork or going to harass my kids.
Then I got some very docile and beautiful Neon Tetras. I got six of them. Enough to form a small school.
So now, with some aggressive Cichlids who will snap at them from time to time, I get "sporadic art" because the tetras tend to change direction all at once. But also there's a LOT of plant life in there and I've found that this tones down the aggression as the fish have their own little places they call their own. Oh, I also got an aquatic frog. See if it jumps out like the pollywogs I caught when I was a kid and shriveled up on the kitchen floor and causing so much agony to my six year old heart....*sniff sniff*. Ahhh, that was before I became a trained KILLER! A killer who loves fish and his wife and kids and family and religion and country and wants nothing but peace.