Lex Luthor's Lair |
Pakistan has threatened that if the US does what it did again they will retaliate with full force and we are not to underestimate their ability to wage war.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/05/09/pakistan-backlash-mounts-does-opportunity-new-terror-targets/So.....I think the estimating's already been done. HELICOPTERS.....HELICOPTERS...not stealth fighters...HELICOPTERS flew 100+ miles though Pakistan without being detected to the compound.
You can't tell me Pakistan doesn't or didn't know Osama was there. And I think the minister is pedanting for his own people on this one cuz he sure as hell ain't talkin to us and we're not taking him seriously.
I hear all the fuss about how Osama's lair was a mess though - if I can defend Osama in this regards - my place is trashed and I'm NOT cooped up all the time.
Dr. Evil's Planning Room |
However, I wouldn't mind going back to the time when the enemies of freedom were pretty respectable themselves, into high art, had respectable lairs with things like a ridiculously slow dipping machine that lowered the enemies of the villain into a pool where some fricking sharks with laserbeams on their head would kill them - rather than some dirty guy hiding in a cave. Where they press a button and someone gets dropped through the floor into a room where they get incinerated.
Mr. Burns' Trap Door..... |
While I'm at it - would you ever sit at a board room meeting where the boss had that installed in the floor and could push a button and just make you disappear? I mean....what goes through your head as you sit in that boardroom? "Lets see.....Johnny disappeared and got incinerated last week during the budget meeting....never will happen to me though...my stuff always goes off without a hitch...." never mind the fact that they have the trap door put under YOUR chair and you're asked to sit over it....just in case....