Anyways, here's the map of the outreach of the blog, I never imagined in my life I'd write something that would be looked at this far in the world. Breathtaking actually. It's taken 13 months now to reach this far and at the current pace I'm on track for 1,000,000 hits per year.

To my fellow military bloggers, hat tip to Grouchyoldcripple for the inspiration to write a blog and getting me started with my first "Cripplanche" by throwing some readers my way, to Neptunus Lex for the inspiration on the writing style that's adapted over time, Stormbringer for his grounded military perspective I've tried to incorporate from time to time in my own military experiences (TICKLE PARTY!), Liberalguy for the creative inspiration on posting more pictures, Double Tapper for just having a sweet blog that I've enjoyed and giving me ideas on styles, Theo Spark for showing "how it's done" and Rush Limbaugh for lending a bit of sanity to the idiotic (but beautiful!) world I live in here on the Left Coast.
(Before I go, wth is up with Greenland? I mean, took almost a year before I registered a hit from South Dakota, but what, Greenland got less internet than South Dakota? It can't be that Greenland has haute-couture tastes above and beyond anything else because it appears that central Africa has the same tastes as Greenland if that's how we're going to look at it - this map isn't quite accurate though cuz I've not had it up the entire time I've blogged and am missing quite a bit of data).