Could we also say that the pilot refused to crash into a building killing everyone on board with them on board?
Anyways, the part I found amusing was the article detailing where they were headed, that they were from Nashville, had flown on other airlines, they were going to discuss misinformation on their religion, why people were scared, ALLLLLLL the "normal" stuff was spelled out in the article - so therefore we KNOW they weren't terrorists because they were from Nashville and were attending a conference on "islamaphobia."
Did anyone mention that ten years ago 3,000 people were killed by Muslims on a plane and even today - fricking today - ten years later - our airport travel is still effed up because of those guys? I can't believe a pilot, of all professions, would tend to focus on that.
We also know that nobody who was Muslim and who took their
Actually, however, the pilots were on their way to a conference on "Helping pilots feel okay with Imams who scream 'Allahu Akbar' with a bunch of wires and road flares taped to bullet proof vests while flying as passengers" when this event happened. Clearly, had the pilot had the appropriate sensitivity training WHICH HE WAS ON HIS WAY TO GET this would not have happened to the Imams from Nashville....