Palin Acceptance Speech!

Here's a hilarious live blog of Palin's speech last night. It's basically immediate thoughts posted throughout the speech, which one could read while the speech was happening. However, to read them afterwards is hilarious. Make sure to start from the bottom of the post. Two of the LOL lines have to be:

7:36 p.m.: How uncomfortable is that boyfriend? He should be at his senior prom, not on display at the RNC.
7:37 p.m.: Mother of a military man. Mother of a special needs child? What’s next? Mother of a pregnant teenager? Hold on.

As for my thoughts, I actually stayed up so I could watch the speech again when they replayed it. I loved the whole thing. Her humor and wit are priceless. I think I have a crush! There were so many great one-liners. Wow! Can't wait for the VP debates.

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