food sept. 6-7

Breakfast:  collard green smoothie--the other half of Friday's.  I added some blended grapes and I thought it was quite good.  But as I said before, I think it's an acquired taste so newbies should start with something like the spinach mango smoothie.  

lunch:  corn on the cob, leftover cabbage salad, watermelon.

dinner:  collard green smoothie, the other half from a few days ago, orange.  

today, well, the refrigerator was getting empty and there was no corn at the corn stand, so I ended up eating cooked food!

Breakfast:  green smoothie that was in the freezer

Lunch:  For housemate I boiled potato, carrot, sweet potato, and peas in a small amount of water which mostly boiled away.  Then added avocado spread.  And I made a big salad of lettuce, mushrooms and fresh cherry tomatoes.  The dressing was juice of one orange, some walnuts, and the rest of a pineapple, blended in the blender.   Okay, so for me I thought I needed something to go with the salad (mistake) but I didn't have much in the fridge, so I blended up a carrot, celery, tomato, half a sweet potato, and half a small green pepper in the blender.  yuck.  I added some avocado spread, didn't help.  it was okay but not terribly appealing.  meanwhile the cooked stuff looked good so I tasted it and it tasted good so I thought, well, I went raw for 8 days, let's see how cooked food tastes.  It was good, especially the sweet potato.  I ate it much faster than I eat raw stuff, so had to consciously tell myself to slow down.  It did feel a little different digesting cooked food, maybe I felt a little heavier feeling in my stomach but that could be my imagination.   After my blended veggie experiment, I understand now why raw people juice their vegetables.  I think carrot juice probably tastes a lot better than blended carrots.  my problem with this is that it seems so wasteful.  Dr. Fuhrman also recommends juicing carrots and celery and putting that into soups.   We would compost the pulp, and carrots and celery aren't too expensive, so maybe I will try juicing some in the future, when I get back from my trip.

okay for dinner, well, since I went off raw for lunch,  I decided a splurge was in order, so at the co-op I got a peanut butter cookie (vegan), a maple/fruit/oat bar, and a little bowl of a rice/edamame salad.  The cookie was not that great, tasted like flour and hung in my throat.  The fruit bar was pretty good, as was the salad.  The only problem with eating this stuff is that I'm then too full to eat my favorite stuff like grapes and watermelon.  Then I made twelve breakfast smoothies and four chocolate smoothies for housemate to eat while I'm out of town!  Pretty funny eh?  It was partly procrastination because I have so much to do before leaving town and don't want to face it.  I'll regret it in the morning.  And I just had 2 computers crash and not boot up so have to waste time tomorrow morning at the Apple store.  I do have a bit of a tummy ache but that's just from overeating the sweets and snacking on the smoothies while making them.  I feel a little more tired than usual, but again, overeating rich food of any kind will do that to you.

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