food sept. 3 and 4


breakfast:  berry smoothie

lunch:  corn and zucchini salad.   This was very good.  I probably had watermelon for dessert or a peach, I'm already forgetting.  I was hoping my cleaned up blood vessels would improve my memory but that doesn't seem to be happening.

dinner:  leftover lunch, a peach.  some watermelon, grapes.  snacked later on because housemate brought a ripe peach home and it needed to be eaten.

exercise:  body power and yoga classes at the gym


breakfast:  experimented with a new green smoothie.  I'll be trying green smoothies for a few days.  I don't want to write this as a recipe because I don't really think it tasted that great, though it was okay, and I can see how you could acquire a taste for it.  I think it's hard to make a great tasting smoothie with collard greens.  but we have a bunch in the garden and they need to be eaten.  I did a google search on the web for collard greens and green smoothies and found a few.  They usually consist of greens, bananas and berries, so I put collard greens and kale filling about half the blender, 3 bananas, a bag of strawberries, then my usual small addition of sunflower seeds, walnuts, vitamins and Fuhrman's DHA (to keep my fragile heartbeats regular).  It makes two 20 oz servings, so quite large.

lunch:  corn on the cob with avocado spread, salad (lettuce, cherry tomatoes from garden, mushrooms), orange-cashew dressing (made with walnuts instead of cashews).   I ate the corn raw!  ha.  it was really good.  it's even sweeter than cooked.  I could see throwing it in the boiling water for a few seconds to warm it up.  but I didn't see the need today.   The co-op has corn so we are back to corn until they run out.   

snack:  peach and some grapes

dinner:  leftover salad (lots) and dressing, watermelon for dessert.

exercise:  fit class at the gym.   

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