Insight From Dennis Miller on Iraq Victory

I've had the chance to listen to Dennis Miller's radio program recently and he made a very insightful point I think worth repeating. A caller asked him what his definition of "victory in Iraq" was, what would it look like. Miller responded something like this (paraphrase, of course):

I think it will look like the last time we dealt with radical terrorists, say, like the Japanese in WWII, who were willing to dive airplanes into our navy ships at Pearl Harbor. Their view of the world was so different from ours that it would have seemed impossible to create any "Western" - looking society, let alone a democracy, out of Japan. Yet, 60 years later American Baseball played its season opener in Japan! It may take 60 years, but I think that's what victory in Iraq will look like. It will be buying the best computer or radio in the world with "Made in Iraq" stamped on it.

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