God Heard His Prayer

I came across Hebrews 5:7,8 tonight as I was looking for another verse in the Bible.
"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered..."
The amazing thing is that Jesus "learned obedience." He wasn't disobedient, but, as John Piper explains, he learned "a greater yieldedness to God" through what he suffered. But the phrase that jumped out at me was "and he was heard...." He prayed to be saved from death, and he was heard?!? So God heard his prayer, but answered "No". That's the easy answer to explain this. But beyond that, the fact that it says God heard his prayer is just a sobering statement in the midst of the suffering. God heard him. God was there to say, "I hear you."

Generally, when the Bible records that a particular prayer was heard, it implies that the answer, the thing requested/prayed for, was granted. Maybe that should cause us to reconsider what Jesus' prayer was. It may not be that he was praying to be spared the experience of death, but rather that his death would not be the end of the story; that he would be saved out of it.

This would be a very insightful understanding of the event, especially if we hold that "and his prayer was heard" means what it has meant in other places. The insight would be regarding what Jesus prayed and not how we might pray if we are in the same situation. Food for thought as we consider how to pray and how our Lord prayed.

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