Though of the day......

There really isn't much going on in the news - I'm kind of stunned actually.  I've never seen it "lull" this long without something coming up that was controversial or inflammatory in the U.S.

I do agree with Rush, anyone who says they know what's going on in Egypt is a faker/fraud/impostor.  I can say this about Egypt though - if your country is overthrown by an angry're not looking at  a peaceful, civilized, dignified government after that.

This isn't democracy in action.   It's going to devolve into another terrorist state - the Suez canal is going to be blocked - the U.S. oil supply will be in jeopardy because idiot democrats and environmentalists won't let us drill here - our economy is going to be jacked up as forces in the middle east work together - you got Iran beating on the war drums all the time and now Egypt - the bastion of stability crumbling - Israel is therefore increasingly surrounded essentially by nations not especially friendly to it......We're in the last days.

Now what?  I know that there are all these dire warnings and predictions of the last days but that's not really what we need....we need to repent.  Set our houses in order.  Look around!  All these "signs of the times" are coming slower than we want and faster than we think.   This really is setting up to be the perfect storm.......for chaos, catastrophe and the end of times.  There's still much to happen before the entire thing is done but we only need look around!

Last days?  We're in them!  You're living them right now from wherever you are. This is what it looks like - and without some massive resolution - it's only going to get worse.

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