Allen West on the Rise.....and Douchebaggery in Oregon

I've heard this guy speak, posted him a few times in my blog - but Rep. West (R) from Fla. is an amazing man.  He makes Colin Powell look like some far lefty.  I don't know what the news report is other than he basically told Obama to go soak his head but the conservatives are BACK - and are IN THE HOUSE!

The other thing is though, that despite the Republicans having a larger but still minority in the Senate - um...there's 1/3 of the senate up for re-election next year and the way things are moving.....I personally think: if you think 2010 was a bloodbath - wait till 2012.

I'll get to vote against Congressman Wu (Who's apparently having marital problems over something or other and his personal life is totally falling apart or something like that - don't really know but - whatever.....not that I wish marital problems on anyone but if the bonus is he won't run next year as a result - I'll take it) again but -'s time to keep purging this crap and the douchebaggery from the American government rolls.

I sat in a company meeting um.....the day before yesterday?  Our HR director is apparently conservative leaning as she told people they needed to be responsible for themselves and not rely on the company's policies and to go shop around for health insurance - etc., blah blah blah.  Anyways - I figured out why Oregon's a democrat state.  I don't know where we rank in education....wait.....Oregon's #37 according to THIS:
Before anyone points out some conservative states are farther below Oregon (there's only 13 states below us y'all) the conservative states aren't all hyped on public education and consider it generally a brainwashing tool of the democrats - UNLIKE OREGON - so THERE!

Well, whatever, anyways, the idiocy in the room for the HR presentation on benefits and people going "OH GOOD! SCREW THE INSURANCE COMPANIES! YEAH!" and not realizing that their low IQ strategy of screwing the private sector puts us on the path towards stalinist healthcare and gulagery and will end them up in a crib with Dr. Obama saying for your appendicitis "Um...give him a pain pill....and make all their private information public" had me wanting to not only gouge my eyes out and kick everyone in the shins but ....well I wanted to scream.  I was a licensed financial consultant for Citigroup at one point.  This was basic entry level day one stuff - but - MAN ALIVE!

Anyways - that's my thought for the day.  Bout damned time congress and the government got an enema....get those turds OUTTA THERE!  Give them a suppository....enema.....hell....shove a fire hose up there but whatever - these liberal democrats have GOT to GO.

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