That's What *I'M* Talkin' About! HS Football Players & 33F Teacher!

American culture doesn't consider boys victims of sexual abuse....actually men are the invisible victims of many things in our society. Especially white, blue collar men. We're racially discriminated against in school - we're sexually discriminated against in goes on. But at any rate - here we got a female teacher, 33, who's having sex with five students on the HS football team and what's the first thought: LUCKY DUDES!

At any rate - the harm to men who are exposed to this kind of behavior is actually pretty profound in the psychological and psychosocial aspect.  When we think of sexual victims - we tend to think of someone curled up in a shower somewhere - it is actually a common response to sexual misconduct as people try to "get clean" afterwards.   However, for the men, this impacts how they look at women and their relationships with women and even their own children in the future.  The men are victims in the sense that their future relationships are impacted in more ways than I can enumerate here.

At any rate - I thought it was an interesting article.  I don't believe in gender equality in America - my studies have confirmed there are more male victims than we will ever admit - and until we start producing men who can be good fathers and husbands - women will continue to suffer.  And this kind of stuff.....only furthers the problem.

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