crazy day.......

Started out with a staff meeting that I prefer not to go to because it doesn't always apply to me....but at any rate, my company has a thing it does called "Cow Tipping" where we announce our programs have had so much success we're off the charts right now.  At any rate, my boss told me I needed to share what we're doing....we're smoking everyone else.  We're off the charts in terms of performance and doing what has never been done before - we've literally raised performance to a level in one year that hasn't been done in over a quarter of a century in many instances.......

At any rate, after that I had to go overhaul some stuff for work - and I found a way to restructure the schedules for my programs so that not only can I do it using sixteen less hours per week than what we're normally using - I can eliminate a position entirely.  Not something I want to announce to my staff before Christmas. 

Anyways, after that one of my staff was asking for some help with an issue and I got to do some leadership training on gaining the big picture and managing a group of people from a subordinate position - fantastic training.  She started to get it. It was pretty sweet! 

Lastly then, I get a phone call that one of the people we care for had slumped over and was spewing blood and then was being transported to the hospital by ambulance and I went and sat with her for a few hours while they pumped blood out of her.  Her kidneys are failing - have been for years.  She hasn't seemed herself lately and I just don't get a warm fuzzy feeling that she's going to just come around.  They said her kidneys aren't doing well.  They really were pulling the blood out of her though. 

Then I'm on the phone with my boss giving her the reports when some beemer pulls up behind me on 217 north and starts riding my tail.  I've got four guns in the car and I'm ready to go - just because I'm usually packing when I am out of the house.  Then he passes me and pulls 100 feet in front of me and makes his brake lights come on but doesn't slow.......pleeeeeaaaaaasssse. I used to ride 20 feet off someone's bumper doing 80 mph in a 25mph zone at night in the rain while doing a setup for a felony stop - what EVER.  Except I was in the middle of a conversation with my boss and it went something like this "So anyways, she's been admitted to intensive care - I'm dealing with the staffing issue OH DON'T EVEN SCREW WITH ME! YOU'RE SCREWING WITH THE WRONG GUY OUT HERE MY FRIEND! (and then realized I was on the phone with my boss).......sorry......someone playing road games."  I was totally getting ready for a showdown on the side of the road.....

*Sigh*  I get vacation in a week or so.  We'll see how that goes.

In the meantime - here's a radio station my wife found from my wonderful sister in law.  you can program your type of music on it and you create an account and then it plays music based on your preferences.  If you want some wonderful Christmas Music type in for your radio station "Classical Christmas."   They really have some nice Christmas music that is a lot deeper than the "YEAH WE'RE GOING SHOPPING IT'S SNOWING AT WAL-MART!!!!" genre.  You give "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" to music you like and dislike and then it customizes everything for you until it anticipates your ever whim - including the whim where you get frustrated with being perfectly satisfied so it will satisfy your frustration with satisfaction and satisfy your frustration further frustrating you and then satisfying you - it's better than the holo-deck on star-trek! (no I'm not a trekkie - but I have wondered what it would be like to be in one of those things if they existed.)

Anyways, here's a song I really like if you've never heard it:

I won't even tell you what it is - you'll have to click it to find out but call it an act of trust.  I like it though.  It's nice music. 

What a day!

I think I'll try to go to bed.....

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