YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!! (or can you?)

I was there when the Gitmo detention facilities were classified and when I was there.  But that's another sea-story for another day.

Anyways, first, I know people are stupid but I can 't see a general who's gotten this far going under like this in a court of law having been in a military court of law I don't know how many times.

At any rate, Bravo Zulu to Romney for calling Obama out as a liar and saying the tag line "Obama can't handle the truth."   Sadly, campaigns are won and lost on tag lines, but you really need them in order to win nowdays, or to be effective.  I enjoyed the link because Romney's really socking it to him.

I voted for Romney in 2008 only because I thought Huckabee was a snake in a suit and McCain...well...we don't need RINO's. That and watching Huckabee and McCain swap primary votes in each others' favors in order to keep Romney out was kind of pathetic.  I did vote for McCain though, but I live in Oregon (people's republic of) so my vote doesn't count cuz we pay illegals to photocopy ballots and turn them in here.

  Romney blundered in 2008 when he quibbled with McCain over which was more important, the economy or national defense.  McCain said "national defense" and Romney said "the economy."  It's hard when you're under pressure like that to say what's right all the time so you can't fault someone for saying the wrong thing, but, the correct answer would have been (since I've had 3 years to think about it - tadaaaaa, I'm the president of the "Armchair Quarterback Committee) "Without national defense you won't have an economy, but as president I would do well to rely on Generals and Admirals to provide us with the insight to handle those affairs and I bring my own experience to the table to handle the economy." (Or something like that - flower it up and prettify it to make it a winner but the idea is there).

Anyways, I think Romney may actually be the front runner for 2012 for the Republicans.  I'm waiting for this however to come back out:

Sooooooo Anyways.....It will be an interesting campaign....its starting already in America.  Obama's going to try to oil-drill his way out of it (or has already started to), but I think he's a goner.  I hope so.  Then arrest the bastard for fraudulently occuping the office of the president and lock the sucker up in a super-max prison (with a bunch of sodomites?  or is that going too far? Or is it not going far enough? ) 

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