Chapter the Next.....

Osama: Wicked witch of the East?
Well - a few thoughts on Osama's death.

1) Religion will never stand as a shield for evil before God
2) Pakistan did nothing to help us in this
3) Obama's taking credit for ordering the strike to be carried out.  That's a no-brainer order to carry out. It should be, "DUH! Don't ask!  Go kill the mother-fucker!  You should have done it and then told me! GO GO GO KILL KILL KILL!"
Or Wicked Witch of the West?
4) I wonder how many times Obama has ordered them NOT to kill Osama before this.
5) This is the same president who wouldn't let U.S. Navy Snipers kill the Somali's holding people hostage on the high seas off Africa because he didn't want to alienate anyone.
6) I wonder who the new leader is going to be
7) Will Obama apologize for the death in an attempt to build solidarity with the east?  I wonder if he will feel bad for having killed so many of his friends' (and possibly his) hero.

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