Massive Aid Does Not Mean Improvement

Here is a recent study, posted at Hot Air, that affirms other studies related to international aid to poor countries, specifically in Africa.  From the study (and common sense):
"Murray’s paper also found debt relief had no effect on health spending. Activists like Bob Geldof and Bono have long argued canceling African debts would allow countries to spend more on their health problems, but there was no evidence of that.

“When an aid official thinks he is helping a low-income African patient avoid charges at a health clinic, in reality, he is paying for a shopping trip to Paris for a government minister and his wife,” said Philip Stevens, of the London-based think tank International Policy Network. He was not linked to the study."
The bottom line - corruption is the root of poverty in Africa.  The conclusion from HA:
"If we really want to solve the problem of poverty and illness in Africa, we need to demand political reform.  Everything else is a band-aid, and  not the kind of Band Aid that means aging rockers taking to the stage on G-20 conferences."

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