
So from Oct 6 - 10 I continued my 16 hour work days and did fall off the wagon a few times.  I ate some dark chocolate covered almonds (vegan) on Oct. 6.  It seems that the caffeine in chocolate keeps me awake so I ended up working all night!  and went to exercise class at 6:30 am the next morning without sleeping.  I felt a little crazy and by that I mean mentally insane.  But the workout did relax me.   Then on Oct. 9, the day before the proposal was due, I thought it was crunch time so okay to do the drugs so ate some more chocolate almonds and stayed up late.  Then on Oct. 10, let myself splurge with some cookies (always vegan) and decaff coffee (yes, this stuff affects me now that I'm totally off caffeine!).  Then I splurged some during the next week with some vegan cookies and a couple of muffins, and some seitan stroganoff from the co-op.   It was good but salty and oily, and the salt in all these things bothered me more than the oil.  I think once your body gets used to no salt, it has a hard time dealing with an onslaught.   Now I'm back on the wagon and I have to say, I feel better and am not sure what the point of these splurges are.  It is a psychological thing where I feel I deserve a treat.  But I think next time I will consider a non-food treat.  Like a massage. 

Dr. Fuhrman has this program where you can become an "Eat for Health Counselor" and I'd like to try it.  You have to read a bunch of books and take an exam.  I figure if I wanted to actually become a counselor (and I do as a community service to help people improve their health, not as a job since I currently have one), I should be able to follow his plan.  So I am trying to do that for 6 weeks.  To show you how much confidence I have, I don't think I will succeed.  This isn't a diet so much as an eating plan, but I have never succeeded on either in my life.  It is true I usually eat super healthy.  So I have succeeded at becoming healthy.  But sticking to a plan, I'm not so good at that.  But I'd like to try it.  So as of two days ago I've been trying to eat as Fuhrman recommends.  However, I'm busy busy as always, so don't have much time to make recipes so am just throwing stuff together.  I did make his "famous anti-cancer soup" last weekend and that was quite a production and I have to admit it was fun, and it made a gazillion servings, so I still have a bunch in my freezer.  It involved juicing 5 lbs of carrots and two bunches of celery!   But that added a nice flavor I have to admit.  Then it had 8 zucchinis!   and mushrooms and a few beans and cashews and onions.  wild.  but quite good!  

Anyway, one thing Fuhrman emphasizes is to let your body have time to digest and detoxify between meals, so to only eat 3 meals a day and no snacks.  Well, this took me forever to adopt but when I do it, I do feel better.  And it does seem like a reasonable thing to do!  Otherwise, I will just eat all the time because I like to eat.  I notice that after about 2-3 hours I feel hungry in my stomach, but then if I just wait another hour, I'm no longer hungry until about another 2-3 hours have passed.  So I can go 5-6 hours without any problem really.  And then I am truly hungry at my next meal and the food tastes better.  So I'd like to try this as part of adopting the Fuhrman plan.  

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