Republicans: Wrong About Obama...

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel is wrong on this one.  I'm sorry. He says that Obama is not serious about reducing the deficit.  

Where McConnel is wrong is that he has woefully understated the problem.  The problem is - Obama is not serious about ANYTHING that's good for America.  But is deadly serious about the things that aren't good for America. 

The man is a FRAUD and a LIAR - OUTRIGHT!!!!! 

Here's a reminder in case anyone forgot - and then below is some gratuitous propaganda specifically designed to make you a helpless, mind numbed racist and obscure the truth so that Obama cannot at all explain himself to you because you will hate him because of my two pictures - therefore - I am personally the one to blame for him losing in 2012.  Oh, and I ruined the economy with my blog too.  While we're at it.  (I only get ~700 hits per day y'all - compared to Drudge's 2 million - obviously I AM the voice of America).'s some propaganda - make sure you open your mind so much your brains fall out so it has maximum impact and then go vote. 


Here's some more propaganda to fog your mind....or clear it - depending on which side of the prison...sorry FENCE you're on.  I SAID FENCE! 

Here's a picture of Obama Supporters after a democrat rally where the refreshment of KOOLAID - yes...koolaid was served.....supporters drank the koolaid in an act of faith and a demonstration of loyalty to Barrak Hussein Obama.  It turned out later that the flavorful drink was laced with Cyanide.  First to succumb to the drink were infants, children, elderly, the uneducated, the feeble and then mothers and women and lastly the men.

Okay - maybe it was Jonestown....but the resemblance to the aftereffects of drinking and succumbing to democrat lies is pretty much the same...

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