MARCO! POLO! - date night...

Before I got married - well....lets just say "The best laid plans of mice and men are prone to go awry..." - I had it ALLLLLL figured out how I was going to propose.  Didn't quite happen the way I'd all.  But the plan was a sort of treasure hunt with clues that eventually led to a ring with ME at the end - something I'd enjoy doing and would actually take the time to do - I'm goofy that way and yes I'm a bit of a romantic.  Comes from a crappy childhood raised on the Brady Bunch where you think that six kids and one bathroom is normal.  I know...guys roll your eyes....girls maybe raise an eyebrow...but that was the plan.  The night I proposed it was raining SO HARD and we were in a foot of water waiting for the downpour to stop....lets just say I thought it more dignified to remain in the car, dry where I could be heard over the roar of the rain and seen in the car's romantic dome-light asking the question and I hadn't even planned on asking that night!

So - well - blew that one!  Don't get to do that again!  Doesn't mean I might not find a way to do it somehow somewhere else for something else - but - whattyagonnado??

At any rate, tonight, on a date with my wife, I meandered away from her while we looked for a movie to buy to own for a very low low price - neither of us finding anything - until I suddenly....just got bored momentarily and wandered away...

Realizing I was now in another part of the store - I decided to have fun!  I'm a compulsive picture-taker (photographer?) with my cell-phone - and a semi-compulsive now that I did not have any interest in going back to the video section to tell my darling wife where I was....I decided instead to give her a hint.  With a photo from the cell-phone and a text telling her to figure out where I was from the photo and come find me. Voila...

This was the first clue
 No wife came to find me....I meandered further and snapped this....
second clue

 Still further....wifeless....I snapped this...
better looking third clue
 And even further?
Gratuitous fourth clue
 By this time she found me - I actually fell asleep in a recliner in the furniture section.  Ahhhh the advantages of being a white male - nobody assumes I need anything because I'm a male and because I'm white I obviouslly have good manners and would NEVER just be sleeping in the recliner and don't look homeless and automatically am assumed to have the stature to afford said recliner - so nobody bothers me....and I take a nap. 

Until she comes rolling up at high speed in her wheelchair and says "FOUND YOU!" Game up!

It was a fun game though - amusing though short lived - I think with some work this could turn into a marathon event of sorts at the Clackamas Town Center or Washington Square Mall - kind of like geocaching, which I haven't done but maybe I should. 

At any rate, further meandering resulted in me bringing home a new vacuum cleaner and a few sundry bath items.  Meanwhile - I snapped a few more pictures...don't know why but - you go....
Totally not a clue...but had fun taking it......eternal potpourri....

Now I know what it feels like to be a bottle of potpourri with this view all day...

concave mirror that makes your zits and nose hairs look the size and consistency of deviled eggs and twigs

Accidentally shot this....

IN the candle aisle...

close up sparkly stickers...

green and blue pottery motif

From another angle...

This must be used by either: Afro-americans or people who think its 1983 still....hairspray....or something....
Piano I was playing the other day in sunlight in a Lutheran Church

Fish Tank I put up at work...

Frickin huge strawberry!

Canister from the sucky thing from the bank...

Olive Garden Italian Restaurant sign

Canister in the sucky thing at the bank

A shot just before I was abducted by aliens....

Looking up at the Salt Shaker at Le Olive Garden...

Looking up at a wine glass...

It's know what to do....

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