Wow, we're borrowing money from countries, then paying them aid with the money we borrowed and owe them interest on. This is not an accident people. Not by a long shot.
What's laughable are the campaign solicitations from the Obama campaign I'm getting that are along the lines of these economic parameters and thinking - well, funny only if you find sociopathy in a government leader humorous. Supposedly there's "SOMEONE" (unknown and anonymous) who's willing to match my $5.00 (or however much) donation so I can "Double my impact!" for the 2012 campaign because we're not going to be beholden to politics as usual. Where the hell is this guy who's going to match my funds? Tell him what, I'll lend him $10,000 and he can match it and give $10,000 to me and I'll keep my $10,000 I gave to myself.
This guy is soooooooooo gone. I'd be happy if they found he was a fraud and put him in a supermax prison and deemed all legislation under him as illigitimate.
Well.....this is what happens when a country that believed in God and started on the basis of the freedom to worship Him and put their trust in Him and won against the superpower of the earth at the time (Britain) forgets God and embraces easy answers and falls for petty scams in the hope of something for nothing.