A New Paradigm
When I became a vegan, I learned how to cook all over again, and it was fun. Now I feel like I'm rethinking food again. I've always relied on recipes but now I feel they aren't so necessary. Just mix vegetables and fruit and make wonderful concoctions. I'm even rethinking beans, which I considered a staple--the bloating and gas is getting old, plus it pushes out of the diet some delicious vegetables and fruit. It's really fun to mix whatever vegetables and fruit is in your fridge, and shop for whatever looks interesting instead of what is on your list from a recipe plan. It's all easier, fast to prepare, and tastes great. Vegetables and fruits---these are the most delicious foods! Why are we taught to think of these last? I think it's because the food companies want you to spend your money on their products. Even vegans are taught this as we replace our meat with tofu and tempeh and seitan and grains, and aim to make vegan baked goods as decadent as the animal products kind, and exclaim that we do not in fact eat like rabbits. Vegetables and fuits should be the centerpiece, not the afterthought, and we should eat like rabbits (actually I'm not sure what rabbits eat but greens and carrots come to mind). Next week I'll be eating from a cooler in my hotel room. So I'll be eating raw: bagged salad mixes, berries, nuts and fruits. Should be delicious compared to my compatriots who will be eating hotdogs and hamburgers at the food stands (we going to a golf tournament). More on that in a few days.
Blog Archive
- Patriotism, Nationalism, and Americanism
- Fun Finds from Bits and Pieces
- A "Black History" of Politics
- If Only Mugabe Were White...
- Discovery Channel's Commercial
- June 26 & 27 food
- Lottery Tickets to See Your Dr!
- Womanized Men
- A Child-Centered World
- The 11th Commandment
- June 25 food
- June 24 rant
- June 24 food
- Edamame and pesto
- Oil-free Pesto
- Baked plantain
- June 23 food
- National Association of Scholars' letter
- June 22 food
- A New Paradigm
- Curried Mustard Greens
- June 21 food
- 12 Year-Old Sues Father Over Grounding
- How my health has improved
- collard greens
- Beans
- June 20th food
- A Third Look Down the Rabbit Hole - Universal Heal...
- Speaking "Democrat"
- I Might Have a Clinical Disorder...
- Why I'm Voting Democrat
- The Detergent Church - Final Post
- New Poll: Chidren Don't Want Health Care!
- Asparagus and ...
- June 19th food
- Pretty Good Hummus
- Spinach-Mango Green Smoothie
- breakfast smoothie
- June 18th food
- 6 Reasons Pastors Should Blog by John Piper
- John Piper's Response to the SCOTUS Decision
- THE List of Obama's Accomplishments
- The Dumb Ox by G.K. Chesterton
- You Can't Lead if You Don't Show Up
- British Psychology Society
- June 17th food
- hee hee, my first blog
- A Look Down The Rabbit Hole - Terrorist Rights
- Liberal Journalist: Bush Did NOT Lie to Us About Iraq
- Europe vs. America
- Happy Father's Day...
- Energy Plans to Consider
- A Look Down the Rabbit Hole - Homosexuality and th...
- Give the Speech!
- Random Thoughts